
- Mail Car Restoration - View Gallery
- Transcribing and Indexing Historic Records
- Picnic on the Peak
- Civil War Reenactment
- Hood County Heritage
- Historic Cemetery Designations
- Junior Historians - The Junior Historians of Texas are an
extracurricular organization for students in grades six through
twelve. The Walter Prescott Webb Historical Society is the
counterpart of the Junior Historians on the college level. Both
organizations work through establish school instructional
programs to encourage students to discover, research, write, and
publish the history of Texas as they find it where they live.
The Association publishes two journals for student writings: the
Texas Historian (for the Junior Historian program) and
Touchstone (cosponsored by Lee College) for the Webb Society.
- Adult Education Course
- Fashions Through the Ages
- Thorp Springs Cemetery Platting
- Transcribing Tolar City Records