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Dynamite House Unearthed

 The Dynamite House: what is it and why was it built?  Donald Oscar (DO) Baker dug the brick lined, metal roofed structure in the bank of the Brazos River, behind his home. He used this dugout to store dynamite, which he sold from his hardware store. The dugout was built as a safe place to store the dynamite away from the Granbury town square.

The Baker house and property was sold in 1995 to the First United Methodist Church, and the house was moved to Thorp Spring to make room for the church parking lot.  The Dynamite House was not disturbed.

It is not known exactly when the dugout was constructed or when it ceased to be used, and over the years it has suffered some damage from flooding.  The steel door it originally possessed is now missing. 

Baker operated his hardware store from 1895 until 1929 and according to the late long-time resident “Pig” Williams some of the limestone used on the square was mined using dynamite stored at the Dynamite House. 

It was submitted by the Hood County Historical Society’s Heritage Camp for landmark status but was turned down on grounds that it would impede the selling plans of the Methodist Church, owners at that time.

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This site was constructed by Andrea Sutton for the Hood County Historical Society